Interconnect January 2017

Interconnect January 2017

Interconnect header

January 2017

Table of Contents

Call for Papers for ITS Kyoto 2017

Call for Papers for ITS Passau 2017

2018 ITS Biennial Conference – Seoul, Korea

Message from the Chair

Benefits of Global Corporate Membership in ITS

Calendar of Events – 2017-2018

Moving – Stay in Touch

ITS Corporate members

ITS Board of Directors

ITS Executive Committee

Previous Interconnect issues



To ensure uninterrupted delivery of the ITS membership journal, Telecommunications Policy, as well as e-mail announcements of upcoming Calls for Papers, publications, conference registration discounts and similar news of potential interest sent via the
ITS-L Listserv, ITS members are requested to please keep the Secretariat updated by sending their new coordinates to:

Don Romaniuk, ITS Secretariat at

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Editor: Don Romaniuk

Graphic Design Artist:
Mike Latajka

Call for Papers for ITS Kyoto 2017

The 14th ITS Asia-Pacific Conference will be held in Kyoto, Japan, June 24-27, 2017.

A city of some 1.5 million people, Kyoto served as the imperial capital of Japan for over 1000 years.

Kyoto is famous for its history, architecture, and the natural beauty of its surroundings. It boasts 17 UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites and over 2,000 temples and shrines.

Home to 37 institutions of higher learning, Kyoto is a recognized centre of academic excellence, research and innovation. Its leading industries are information technology and electronics. The city is also the center of Japan’s television and film industry, and remains famous for its traditional Japanese crafts and sake brewing industries. In 2014, Travel + Leisure Magazine ranked Kyoto as the world’s best travel destination.

Persons interested in attending ITS Kyoto 2017 would do well to leave plenty of time on either side of their visit to take in some of the city’s historical, architectural, and cultural offerings and to experience its natural beauty.

The theme of the Kyoto Conference is Mapping ICT into Transformation for the Next Information Society.

The Call for Papers invites submissions from authors addressing any of the following broad subject areas:

  • Wireless broadband
  • New paradigms of policy and regulation
  • ICT and innovation
  • Spectrum management
  • Convergence in telecommunications
  • New applications: e-Health, m-Health and e-Government
  • ICT and economic growth
  • Content markets
  • Information security and privacy
  • Internet and “Bottom of the Pyramid”

The deadline for abstract submissions is February 20, 2017.

Full details on the Call for Papers, including directions on how to prepare and electronically file abstracts, are available on the Kyoto Conference website at

Online registration is now available. Individuals planning to attend this Conference are reminded to register online before the early bird deadline of May 14, 2017 to secure substantial savings in registration fees.

Additional savings in registration fees are available to all ITS members in good standing.

The Kyoto Conference website also provides very helpful information on hotel accommodation, including a selection of moderately priced hotels, and distances and travel times (subway + walking) from hotels to the Conference venue.

The Conference will begin with a welcome reception on the evening of June 24, 2017. A banquet will take place on June 26, and a farewell buffet will be held on June 27. Conference sessions will be spread over two and a half days, starting in the morning of June 25. All sessions and related activities will take place at the world-renowned Kyoto International Conference Center.

The Conference Organizing Committee comprises the following individuals:

  • Masatsugu Tsuji (Kobe International University, Organizing Committee Chair)
  • Teruyuki Bunno (Kindai University, Secretary General)
  • Hiroki Idota (Kindai University)
  • Hisanobu Kakizawa (Osaka University)
  • Teppei Koguchi (Shizuoka University)
  • Hitoshi Mitomo (Waseda University)
  • Hidenori Shigeno (Kobe International University)
  • Sobee Shinohara (KDDI Research, Inc.)
  • Masashi Ueda (Kyoto Sangyo University)
  • Shiro Uesugi (Matsuyama University, Program Committee Chair)

Individuals with Conference-related inquiries are requested to direct them to

Please be sure to add the dates June 24-27, 2017 to your Conference calendar. The 14th ITS Asia-Pacific Conference promises to be an event ITS members won’t want to miss.

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2018 ITS Biennial Conference – Seoul, Korea

The 2018 ITS Biennial Conference will take place in Seoul, Korea, June 24-27, 2018.

ITS last visited Seoul in 2002 for the 15th ITS Biennial Conference. Much has changed since then. According to a 2015 report of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), South Korea is now the most connected country in the world. Home to Samsung and LG, two of the world’s largest and most successful high tech companies, South Korea boasts the highest average internet connection speed in the world and the 4th highest penetration rate for smartphones.

The theme of the 22nd ITS Biennial Conference is Beyond the Boundaries: Challenges for Business, Policy and Society.

The Call for Papers (CFP) for the Seoul Biennial will be issued in July 2017. Further details on this Conference will be disseminated to all ITS members via the ITS-L Listserv and the ITS web site at once they become available. Additional coverage will also be provided in future issues of Interconnect.

The Conference will be hosted by three of Korea’s leading academic and scientific institutions and associations: the School of Media & Communication, Korea University; Korea University Research Institute for Information & Culture (KU RIIC); and the Korean Association for Information Society (KAIS).

ITS Board member, Professor Seongcheol Kim (Korea University), is Chair of the local Conference Organizing Committee. Other Committee members include:

  • Prof. Youngsun Kwon (KAIST)
  • Prof. Sangwoo Lee (Yonsei University)
  • Prof. Sejung Marina Choi (Korea University)
  • Dr. Yongwoon Shim (SK Telecom)
  • Dr. Minho Ryu (Naver)

It is envisioned that the program for this Conference will encompass the following broad subject areas:

  • Broadband and next generation networks
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Content and applications
  • Innovative ICT business models
  • Policy and regulation
  • ICT and global society

The main venue for the Conference will be the Korea University Media Building or Media Hall.

The Conference itself will begin with a welcome reception for all attendees on the evening of June 24, 2018. Conference sessions will then run continuously for the next two and a half days. They will include Keynote addresses on Day 1 and Day 2, three plenary sessions, and seven sets of parallel sessions. Tea breaks, lunches and dinners will be provided on all three days of the Conference, including the main Conference banquet at the end of Day 1, and a special buffet dinner at the Season’s Table at the landmark N Seoul Tower in Namsan, followed by a Han River Cruise on Day 2. The dinner on Day 3 will be at the Sanneri Korean Restaurant on Seoul’s renowned Insa-dong Street. (“Sanneri” means “a small village in a mountain”). It will be followed by a tour of the Gangbuk area of Seoul.

Individuals interested in attending this Conference may wish to add a few extra days to their Korea visit as there is much to see and do in Seoul and nearby areas (including the DMZ or Demilitarized Zone in the north and beautiful Jeju Island in the Korea Strait at the southern end of the country). A city of some 12 million people, Seoul is the financial, commercial, political and cultural capital of Korea. Although more than 600 years old, Seoul has managed to preserve much of its traditional architecture while simultaneously showcasing some of the most modern and dazzling buildings in the world. Like other metropolises, it is a city that never sleeps, as visitors to its many fascinating night markets and other nocturnal haunts can well attest.

It also offers visitors and residents alike a clean, modern and efficient municipal transportation system. For travellers wedded to their smartphones, tablets and/or personal computers, please note that Seoul is expected to extend free WiFi accessibility to all public spaces and modes of transportation before the end of 2017.

Please be sure to add Seoul and the 22nd ITS Biennial Conference to your calendar for the last week of June 2018.

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Calendar of Events

ITS Conferences 



14th ITS Asia-Pacific Conference
Mapping ICT into Transformation for the Next Information Society
Kyoto, Japan • June 24-27, 2017


28th European Regional ITS Conference
Competition and Regulation in the Information Age
Passau, Germany • July 30-August 2, 2017



22nd ITS Biennial Conference
Beyond the Boundaries: Challenges for Business, Policy and Society
Seoul, Korea • June 24-27, 2018

Other Conferences of Potential Interest
to ITS Members



Florence School of Regulation – Communications and Media (FSR C&M) together with the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) and the European Networking and Training for National Competition Enforcers (ENTraNCE) Annual Scientific Seminar on the Economics, Law and Policy of Communications and Media Markets
Competition, Regulation and Freedom of Expression in Digital Markets
Florence, ItalyMarch 24-25, 2017


Communication Policy Research Conference
Cartagena, Colombia • June 22-23, 2017

International Institute of Forecasters (IIF)
37th International Symposium on Forecasting – ISF 2017
Cairns, Australia • June 25-28, 2017


International Association for Media and Communication Research IAMCR 2017 Conference
Transforming Culture, Politics and Communication: New media, new territories, new discourses
Cartagena, Colombia • July 16-20, 2017


2017 TPRC | 45th Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy
Arlington, Virginia, USA • September 8-9, 2017

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Call for Papers for ITS Passau 2017

The 28th European Regional ITS Conference will be held in Passau, July 30-August 2. Located in Bavaria at the confluence of three rivers (the Danube, Inn and Ilz), Passau is one of Germany’s most picturesque cities.

Passau’s origins can be traced back at least two millennia. A part of the Roman Empire for more than 400 years, Passau later became the largest diocese in the Holy Roman Empire and, during the Renaissance and early modern period, was renowned for the high quality of the swords, knives and other precision-ground blades crafted by its artisans. When much of the city was destroyed by fire in 1662, Passau’s gothic Old Town was rebuilt in the Baroque style.

Among the architectural masterpieces of that era is Saint Stephen’s Cathedral with its distinctive onion-domed towers. In 1928, what was then the world’s largest cathedral pipe organ was installed inside, further adding to the allure and enduring appeal of the Cathedral as a destination of interest.

Overlooking the city from a hilltop high above the Danube is Veste Oberhaus, a 13th century fortress and former stronghold of the Bishop of Passau. Presently housing a local museum and observation tower, the fortress dominates the city’s skyline much as it has for the past eight centuries.

These and many other historical, cultural, and architectural attractions await participants of ITS Passau 2017.

The theme of the Passau Conference is Competition and Regulation in the Information Age.

The Call for Papers, which was issued in December 2016, invites abstract submissions and proposals for panel sessions on the following subjects (although submissions on other topics are also welcomed): 

  • Digital divides – their character and how they can be overcome
  • The contribution of telecommunications to economic growth and development
  • The development and socio-economic impact of mobile applications
  • The provision of telecommunication services to marginalised communities
  • Regulation – its implementation, form and future development
  • The impact of regulation on operator strategy and investment
  • Operator strategies – consolidation, investment and innovation
  • The impact of OTT, its regulation and future development
  • Convergence – technological, economic and regulatory
  • The interaction between content and telecommunication markets – development, bundling and convergence
  • Broadband – spectrum and mobile broadband, funding and forms of infrastructure investment
  • Mobile markets – national roaming, convergence with fixed, the challenges of markets
  • Innovative business models – content and the Internet of Things
  • Innovative new services – e-health, m-health, e-education etc.
  • Online markets – the value of personal and location data, children as online actors
  •  Big data – tools and techniques of collecting and analyzing large datasets, socio-economic consequences of big data
  • Net neutrality – debates, challenges and future
  • Internet governance and the control of content and customers
  • Cyber security and privacy as an infrastructure issue

Complete details on the Call for Papers, including specifications for — and how to electronically submit – abstracts, are available on the Conference website at:

Authors are reminded that the (non-extendable) deadline for submitting paper abstracts and proposals for panel sessions is March 30, 2017.

The Conference will begin with a welcome reception on the evening of July 30, 2017. Conference sessions will be spread over two and a half days, starting with the opening plenary session and Keynote address the morning of July 31.

Confirmed guest presenters include Professor Ingo Vogelsang (Boston University) who will speak on Regulatory Inertia versus ICT Dynamics. There will also be a special panel session on IP Interconnection in the Information Age featuring Dr. Cara Schwarz-Schilling (Head of Internet Regulation at the Federal Network Agency), Harald Summa (CEO of eco, Association of the Internet industry and DE-CIX), Dr. Falk von Bornstaedt (Head of Peering & IP-Trading, Deutsche Telekom) and Prof. William Lehr (MIT).

All sessions and related activities will take place at the University of Passau, the Conference host. Lunches on the first and second days of the Conference will be provided to all registered attendees. Coffee and refreshments will also be provided on all three days of the Conference.

The social program for ITS Passau 2017 includes a Conference dinner on the River Danube on August 1, as well as guided city and cathedral tours on the afternoon of August 2.

Local Organizer:

Prof. Dr. Jan KRÄMER
Chair of Internet and Telecommunications Business
University of Passau, Germany


Dr. Brigitte PREISSL
German National Library of Economics, Hamburg, Germany 

Prof. Jason WHALLEY
Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK

All Conference-related inquiries should be directed to ITS Vice Chair, Professor Jason Whalley, at

We look forward to seeing you in Passau this summer.

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Message from the Chair

Stephen Schmidt

Dear ITS Colleagues:

In the thirty years since the founding of ITS, communications has evolved from a discrete industrial sector to the critical infrastructure that underpins activities and transactions throughout economies and societies and, indeed, across the globe.  The quality and availability of networks, access to the content produced and carried on those networks, and government rules and policies relating thereto, now impact and determine the prospects and trajectories of individuals, families, cities and nations.  It is no exaggeration to say that, in the Internet age, digital policies are very much social and economic policies.

The policy dialogue has also evolved in the last 30 years.  While discrete, national-level policies remain important, many issues (privacy, cybersecurity, digital societies, net neutrality, etc.) have an international dimension and the accompanying policy dialogue needs be equally broad in geographic reach.  ITS has an important role to play in facilitating this global policy conversation by providing a non-aligned, non-partisan forum where members drawn from government, industry and academia can meet to analyze, discuss and develop policy options that address these pressing issues.

This is succinctly captured in the ITS Mission Statement, as follows:

…ITS focuses on the evolving applications, services, technology, and infrastructure of the communications, computing, Internet, information content, and related industries. The goal of ITS is to research and analyze issues related to the emergence of a global information society. The organization places particular emphasis on the interrelationships among socioeconomic, technological, legal, regulatory, competitive, organizational, policy, and ethical dimensions of the issues it addresses.

ITS achieves its goals by providing forums where academic, business, and government researchers as well as industry practitioners, policy makers, representatives of international bodies, and consultants present and discuss research results…

As the Mission Statement goes on to describe, the most important forums in which our members gather to share and discuss new research and policy ideas are our Biennial Conferences, annual Regional Conferences, and other local and regional symposia, seminars, workshops and courses.

What ITS has learned over the years, both through direct experience in organizing scores of Conferences around the globe and from the feedback it has received from thousands of attendees and participants, is that the most successful Conferences typically share the following attributes:

  • The quality of speakers and papers presented is of a high calibre
  • Programme content is of immediate relevance, importance and applicability to attendees and participants alike (be they from government, industry or academia)
  • The Conference location is attractive and easily accessible by air and/or rail, at reasonable cost, and without the need for a travel visa
  • Registration fees are affordable, and hotel accommodations are reasonably priced
  • The dates selected do not unduly interfere with the academic school year

ITS has two major Regional Conferences planned for 2017 – the first in Kyoto, Japan (June 25-27) and the second in Passau, Germany (July 30-August 2). The Calls for Papers for these Conferences were issued late in 2016 and are posted on each respective Conference website, as well as on the ITS website at The deadline for submitting abstracts for the Kyoto Conference is February 20, while the deadline for abstract submissions for the Passau Conference is March 30.

I would encourage ITS members and non-members alike who might be interested in presenting a paper at, or simply attending, one or both of these events, to please visit the Kyoto and Passau Conference websites and consider how well they reflect many of the above-described attributes of Conferences that are as engaging as they are professionally worthwhile. (For ITS Kyoto 2017, please see: and for ITS Passau 2017, please see: I’m confident you’ll agree that each of these Conferences is likely to meet or exceed the benchmarks by which our members assess the quality, attractiveness and value of the major events ITS organizes.

A further benefit available to all ITS members in good standing who attend either of these Conferences is the reduced registration fees they will be required to pay. Add this benefit to the significant savings available to all participants and attendees (whether ITS members or not) who register online before the respective early bird registration fee deadline for each of these Conferences, and there is every reason to add ITS Kyoto 2017 and ITS Passau 2017 to your Conference calendar this summer, not to mention the additional incentive to sign up on the ITS web site at for an ITS membership or membership renewal if you have not already done so.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the months and years ahead and to engaging you in discussions on the issues and subjects of greatest interest and concern to the telecommunications and broader ICT industry. I also welcome your thoughts on how we can make ITS more relevant and valuable to you and to the broader ICT community.


Stephen Schmidt signature

Stephen Schmidt
ITS Chair

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Benefits of Global Corporate Membership in ITS

ITS currently has 20 corporate members, 10 of which are Global Corporate members. Included in the latter group are Arnold & Porter LLP (UK), AT&T (USA), Deutsche Telekom (Germany), KDDI Research Institute, Inc., (Japan), Orange (France), Telecom Italia, NERA (USA), the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (Thailand), TELUS (Canada) and TIM Brasil.

There are a number of attractive benefits that attend ITS corporate membership at the Global Corporate level (the fee for which is US $6,000 annually). These include: (1) a seat on the ITS Board; (2) three complimentary individual memberships in ITS, including three annual subscriptions to Telecommunications Policy; (3) three complimentary registrations for any three individuals of the corporate member’s choice at every conference, seminar and workshop that ITS organizes; (4) access to the ITS-L Listserv; (5) the ability to direct attention and resources towards new areas of theoretical and applied economic research either by way of participation on the ITS Conference Committee or on the Program Committee for any ITS conference;  (6) enhanced opportunities to present research and/or strategic policy papers at conferences, workshops or seminars hosted by ITS; (7) opportunities to provide one or more featured executives as guest speakers at key international conferences; (8) opportunities to host and contribute to the design of programs for ITS workshops, seminars or conferences; (9) opportunities to meet and interact with public policy decision-makers and corporate executives at numerous ITS-sponsored events around the globe; (10) extensive professional networking opportunities; and (11) marketing and brand-building opportunities (given the prominent placement afforded to ITS corporate members on the ITS web site, the ITS newsletter and brochure, and in conference announcements and other materials that ITS publishes. See, for example, the corporate members page on the ITS website at which includes links to each member’s corporate web site).

There is no better time than the present for any corporation heavily engaged in the ICT field to become a Global Corporate member of ITS. Individual and corporate memberships in ITS have grown significantly over the past decade. At the moment, ITS has some 300 fully-paid individual members from over 40 different countries, including Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, a number of countries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, and most countries in Europe. ITS also interacts with over 1300 ICT professionals on a weekly, if not more frequent basis, through regular communications over the ITS-L Listserv. In addition, more detailed information is exchanged regularly with this diverse, technically skilled and highly educated audience through the online publication of Interconnect, as well as through the ITS web site at

Should your organization wish to inquire further about Global Corporate membership in ITS, please do not hesitate to contact ITS Chair, Stephen Schmidt, at, ITS Membership and Nominations Committee Chair, Anders Henten, at or the ITS Secretariat, Don Romaniuk, at

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