Interconnect June 2015

Interconnect June 2015

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June 2015

Table of Contents

Abstract Submission Deadlines for 2015 Los Angeles and New Delhi Regional ITS Conferences

Message from the Chair

Call for Papers for 9th ITS Ph.D. Seminar – New Delhi, India

2015 Los Angeles Regional ITS Conference and 8th ITS Ph.D. Seminar

New Dates Set for 1st Africa Regional ITS Conference

2nd India Regional ITS Conference

Update on 2016 ITS Biennial Conference in Taiwan

Key Benefit of ITS Membership – Discounted Registration Fees at All Regional ITS Conferences

Conference Calendar

Moving – Stay in Touch

ITS Corporate members

ITS Board of Directors

ITS Executive Committee

Previous Interconnect issues



To ensure uninterrupted delivery of the ITS membership journal, Telecommunications Policy, as well as e-mail announcements of upcoming Calls for Papers, publications, conference registration discounts and similar news of potential interest sent via the
ITS-L Listserv, ITS members are requested to please keep the Secretariat updated by sending their new coordinates to:

Don Romaniuk, ITS Secretariat at

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Editor: Don Romaniuk
Calgary, Canada

Graphic Design Artist:
Mike Latajka
Calgary, Canada


Abstract Submission Deadlines for 2015 Los Angeles and New Delhi Regional ITS Conferences

Readers are reminded that the deadlines for submitting abstracts in response to the Calls for Papers for the 2015 Regional ITS Conferences to be held in Los Angeles, California and New Delhi, India are as follows:

Deadline for abstract submission for New Delhi Conference:
June 30, 2015

Deadline for abstract submission for Los Angeles Conference:
July 10, 2015

Further details on each of these 2015 Regional ITS Conferences are provided below.

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2015 Los Angeles Regional ITS Conference and 8th ITS Ph.D. Seminar

The theme of the Los Angeles Regional ITS Conference is The Intelligent World: Realizing Hopes, Overcoming Challenges. The Conference will be hosted by the Data Sciences and Operations Department of the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California and will be held October 25-28, 2015.

Abstract submissions are invited on topics including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Big data analytics
  • Mobile finance
  • Smart cities
  • Sustainable development
  • Business models
  • Broadband and regulation
  • Internet of Things and RFID
  • Location-based services
  • Net neutrality
  • Serious games
  • Internet security
  • Telematics
  • ICT for development
  • E-health
  • E-government
  • E-learning

Individuals interested in presenting a paper at this Conference are reminded that the last day for submitting abstracts is July 10, 2015.

For full details on the Call for Papers, registration fees (including early bird registration fee discounts) and accommodations, please visit the Conference web site at 

The Conference itself will be held at the Omni Hotel and Resort, Los Angeles. Centrally located in downtown Los Angeles, the Hotel offers guests easy access to cultural venues, shopping, sports and entertainment, and fine dining. In addition, the Hotel is located within two miles of the University of Southern California, where the Gala Dinner will be held. The Hotel provides a shuttle service to and from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) for the convenience of its guests.

Average October temperatures in Los Angeles range from daytime highs of 75 degrees F to evening lows in the mid-50s F, ideal for strolling about or leisurely dining in outdoor cafes and restaurants.

Inquiries about the Conference, including the Call for Papers, should be directed to Francis Pereira (Conference Chair), at or Elizabeth Fife (Conference Committee member) at 

The Los Angeles Conference Organizing Committee is also pleased to announce that the 8th ITS Ph.D. Seminar will be held in conjunction with the main Conference. Further details on the Ph.D. Seminar are available on the main Conference web site at Eligible graduate students are reminded that the deadline for submitting abstracts is July 10, 2015.  

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2nd India Regional ITS Conference

The 2nd India Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society will be held in New Delhi, India, December 13-15, 2015. The theme of the New Delhi Conference is Connectivity for All: Future Technologies, Markets and Regulation. The Conference is being hosted by IIM Ahmedabad IDEA Telecom Centre of Excellence (IITCOE).

The objectives of the Conference are to:

  • Provide a special forum to present and discuss research and development in telecommunications policy, regulation and management, specially related to emerging economies
  • Facilitate sharing research-based knowledge amongst academics and industry practitioners in several areas of ICT study and practice
  • Promote promising scholars in the field of telecommunications

The preliminary programme envisions the following broad subject areas for discussion and scientific inquiry:

  • Internet and mobile broadband
  • Broadband strategies – infrastructure for national adoption
  • Spectrum and technology
  • Wireless technologies and rural access
  • Regulation
  • ICT and the digital divide
  • Healthcare delivery at the bottom of the pyramid – effective ICT frameworks
  • ICT regulations driving financial inclusion
  • Comparative analysis

The full Call for Papers and a detailed brochure listing the various programme tracks are available on the Conference web site at 

The deadline for abstract submissions is June 30, 2015.

Detailed guidelines for abstract submission are also available at the above-mentioned web site link.

Individuals considering attending this Conference are reminded that the weather in New Delhi is typically very pleasant during December. First-time travellers to India are also encouraged to leave time to visit some of India's best-known attractions including the Taj Mahal, Agra, Jaipur and other similar special destinations during their trip to New Delhi and environs.

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Key Benefit of ITS Membership – Discounted Registration Fees at All Regional ITS Conferences

ITS members, and non-members alike, are reminded that one of the most attractive, and immediate, benefits of ITS membership is the significant discount on registration fees available to ITS members at every Regional ITS Conference anywhere in the world. (This includes, for example, the four Regional ITS Conferences being held in Spain, the U.S., India and Ghana between June 2015 and March 2016, as described elsewhere in this issue of Interconnect).

At many, if not most Regional ITS Conferences, the value of this registration fee discount is greater than half the annual ($125) cost of an ITS membership.

Considering that an ITS membership also includes a one-year subscription to the internationally recognized journal, Telecommunications Policy, 11 issues of which are published and delivered to ITS members each year, the value attending ITS membership is difficult to match.

A complete description of the benefits of ITS membership can be found in the August 2014 issue of Interconnect at

If your ITS membership has recently expired, or you have never been a member but would like to join our distinguished group of 450 current members, please visit the ITS web site at, click on the Membership tab, and become an ITS member today.

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Calendar of Events

ITS Conferences 



ITS Regional Conference
The Intelligent World: Hopes and Challenges
Los Angeles, USAOctober 25-28, 2015


ITS Regional Conference
Connectivity for All: Future Technologies, Markets and Regulation
New Delhi, IndiaDecember 13-15, 2015

9th ITS Ph.D. Seminar
New Delhi, IndiaDecember 13, 2015



26th ITS Biennial Conference
Interconnecting Everything: Harnessing Business, Policy and Smart Societies
Taipei, TaiwanJune 26-29, 2015

Other Conferences of Potential Interest
to ITS Members



International Association for Media and Communication Research IAMCR 2015 Conference
Hegemony or Resistance? On the Ambiguous Power of Communication
Montreal, CanadaJuly 12-16, 2015

CPR LATAM 2015 Communication Policy Research Conference
Cancun, MexicoJuly 13-14, 2015


The Changing Landscape of ICT Governance and Practice – Convergence and Big Data
Taoyuan, TaiwanAugust 26-28, 2015


Center for Communication, Media and Information Technologies (CMI) Ph.D. Summer School on the Political Economy of ICT
Future Internet Paradigm – Market and Applications
Aalborg University
Copenhagen, DenmarkSeptember 7-11, 2015

2015 TPRC | 43rd Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy
Arlington, Virginia, USASeptember 25-27, 2015


Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI)
State of Telecom 2015
New York, USAOctober 19, 2015


DigiWorld Summit 2015
Digital-First: ICT players vs. the new disrupters?
Montpellier, FranceNovember 17-19, 2015



Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) Conference
PTC’16—Reimagining Telecoms
Honolulu, HI, U.S.A.January 17-20, 2016

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Message from the Chair

Erik Bohlin

Dear ITS Colleagues:

I’m writing this update on the eve of my flight from Sweden to Spain for the 2015 annual meeting of the ITS Board of Directors. The following day (June 25) will mark the start of the 26th European Regional ITS Conference being held at the spectacular World Heritage Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, just outside of Madrid. The Conference programme promises to be both academically robust and intellectually stimulating. I will provide you with my thoughts on the Conference as well as a summary of any significant developments arising from the Board meeting in my next update, which will be included in the August issue of Interconnect and simultaneously posted on the ITS web site. The August issue of the ITS newsletter will also include an article on the status and composition of our membership which, at the risk of foreshadowing its content, I am delighted to say has never been healthier.

The 2015 European Regional ITS Conference also marks the start of one of the busiest periods I can recall in ITS history. Between the end of June 2015 and June 2016, a span of just 12 months, we will be holding Regional Conferences in Spain, the U.S., India and Ghana, our 2016 Biennial Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, and four ITS Ph.D. Seminars, one each in Spain, the U.S., India and Taiwan. I can think of no better indicators of the strength, dynamism, and truly global reach of our organization. Articles on all of these Conferences and Seminars can be found in the current (June 2015) issue of Interconnect.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at one or more of our upcoming Conferences in 2015 and 2016 and to engaging you in discussions on the issues and subjects of greatest interest and concern to the telecommunications and broader ICT industry.


Erik Bohlin signature

Erik Bohlin
ITS Chair

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Call for Papers for 9th ITS Ph.D. Seminar – New Delhi, India

ITS will convene its 9th Ph.D. Seminar on December 13, 2015 immediately prior to the start of the 2nd India Regional ITS Conference in New Delhi. This one-day event will be held at the same venue as the main Conference.

As with all prior ITS Ph.D. Seminars, the objective of the 2015 event is to allow leading academics, industry experts and researchers to share their knowledge and expertise in the ICT field with a select group of graduate students in a highly focused learning environment. In this spirit, the discussion will centre and build upon ideas presented by the student participants, rather than focus simply on the presentation of papers.

Up to 8 graduate students will be invited to participate based on responses received to the Call for Papers. A number of distinguished international scholars from within the ITS community will participate as discussants.

The Call for Papers for the Ph.D. Seminar invites submissions on any of the following broad subject areas of research and study in the field of telecommunications and ICT generally:

  • The Internet and Mobile Broadband
  • Broadband Strategies – Infrastructure for National Adoption
  • Spectrum and Technology
  • Wireless Technologies and Rural Access / ICT and the Digital Divide
  • Regulation
  • Regulation of Telecommunication Markets
  • Challenges of Convergence of Telecommunication Systems and Content Supply
  • Development of Telecommunication Markets
  • Telecommunications and Society
  • Social Media and the Internet

Students are reminded that the deadline for the submission of papers is July 10, 2015.

The Ph.D. Seminar is being organized by the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad – Idea Telecom Centre of Excellence, India (IITCOE) and the International Telecommunications Society.

Successful participants will receive a joint certificate from IITCOE and ITS. An award will also be presented for the best student paper.

Selected participants in the Ph.D. Seminar will also be eligible for a registration fee discount at the main New Delhi Conference. 

Further details about the Ph.D. Seminar, including full particulars on the Call for Papers, are available on the main New Delhi Conference web site at

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New Dates Set for 1st Africa Regional ITS Conference

ITS is pleased to announce that it has rescheduled the dates for the first-ever Africa Regional ITS Conference. The Conference will now be held in Accra, Ghana, March 10-11, 2016.

Originally planned for the spring of 2015, the Conference was subsequently postponed because of the Ebola outbreak in three nearby countries of West Africa — Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. However, as the health situation in those countries has now vastly improved, ITS has revived its plans to hold the Conference in 2016.

The principal organizer of this Conference is ITS Board member, Professor Anders Henten (Center for Communication, Media and Information technologies (CMI), Aalborg University, Denmark). The Conference will be hosted by Ghana Technology University College (GTUC) in cooperation with CMI.

Call for Papers 

In tandem with its decision to re-schedule the Conference, ITS has also re-issued the Conference Call for Papers.

The theme of the 1st Africa Regional ITS Conference is ICT Infrastructures, Applications and Policies.

Africa has witnessed an impressive development of mobile communications during the past decade. Some African countries have a mobile penetration of more than 100% – illustrating the widespread take-up, as well as the fact that many subscribers have dual or triple subscriptions. Even in countries with a high take-up rate, however, there are large segments of the population and regions where coverage and take-up is low. The Conference will focus on mobile developments in Africa including mobile Internet.

Another trend attracting much attention is the development of mobile applications – especially mobile money. This development casts a light on many areas of social interaction where mobile communications could contribute to better service provision, e.g., learning, health, governance, etc. The Conference will pay special attention to such developments and their potential. The Conference will also focus on the use of private applications via social networks and of user-generated content in general. In the policy area, the focus will be on the broader information society and on digital governance policies, as well as more specific regulatory developments whether in telecommunications or broadcasting.

The Conference also welcomes papers on convergence between IT, telecommunications, and the media in African countries. This means that papers from the telecommunications field as well as from Information Systems and media researchers will be equally welcome.

For a complete copy of the Conference Call for Papers, including an expansive list of suggested topics, please see the Conference web site at 

Individuals interested in presenting a paper at the Conference are reminded that the deadline for abstract submissions is October 15, 2015. All abstracts will be subject to blind peer review by at least two reviewers.

Interested participants should also note that awards will be presented for the best paper and the best student paper.

Please direct all Conference-related inquiries to ITS Board member, Anders Henten, at

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Update on 2016 ITS Biennial Conference in Taiwan

The Conference Organizing Committee for the 2016 ITS Biennial to be held in Taipei, Taiwan has announced that the Conference Call for Papers will be issued on June 26, 2015. The theme of the Conference, to be held at the Regent Taipei Hotel, June 26-29, 2016, is Interconnecting Everything: Harnessing Business, Policy and Smart Societies.

The 2016 Biennial Conference will be hosted by four leading universities and institutes: Yuan Ze University, National Chengchi University, Shih Hsin University and the Taiwan Communications Society. The Co-Chairs of the Conference Organizing Committee are K. Robert Lai, Director of the Innovation Center for Big Data & Digital Convergence, Yuan Ze University; ITS Board member Yu-li Liu, Dean of Office of Research and Development, National Chengchi University; and Ching-ho Chen, Vice President of Shih Hsin University.

The Organizing Committee envisions six main tracks for the Conference programme and more than two dozen sub-tracks including, but not limited to, the following:

The Future of Broadband

  • Interoperability of broadband networks
  • 4G and beyond broadband applications
  • Mobile broadband for OTT services
  • Efficient use of licensed and unlicensed spectrum

ICT Development

  • Digital transformation: the big picture behind big data
  • Cloud computing architectures and cloud solution design
  • Domain-specific data and knowledge cloud applications
  • The future of quantified-self devices and platforms
  • Privacy in cloud computing and big data

Innovative Business and Applications

  • From big data to small data: building person-centric business models
  • Business models for connected consumers
  • Developing apps in an increasingly connected world
  • The changing role of design in the era of device connectivity

Policy and Regulation

  • Internet policy and Internet governance
  • Hands-on or hands-off: network neutrality and network management
  • Beyond the carrier model of regulation: the rise of OTT
  • Spectrum policy on the emerging mobile broadband

Smart Society

  • Digital transformation, social movements and e-Democracy
  • Building a networked society: social media and its impact
  • Innovation and social challenges in smart cities
  • Digital inclusion and sustainability

Content Issues

  • Content delivery in converged networks: walled garden and OTT platforms
  • Digital media and marketing strategies
  • Adaptive content for mobile users
  • Content management strategies for creators, publishers and intermediaries
  • Collaborative creation and copyright protection

The Call for Papers for the 2016 Biennial will be distributed via the ITS-L Listserv upon being issued. It will also be posted on the ITS web site at and the Conference web site at

ITS also plans to hold a Ph.D. Seminar at the Conference venue immediately following the conclusion of the 2016 Biennial. Further details on the Ph.D. Seminar will be announced in July 2015.

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