ITS Journal
(Telecommunications Policy)

Telecommunications Policy—The International Journal of Digital Economy, Data Sciences and New Media is the official journal of the International Telecommunications Society.  All ITS members receive a complimentary print subscription of the journal as part of their membership.  Established in 1976 in the midst of the transition of telecommunications from monopoly to a competitive sector organization, Telecommunications Policy is broadly concerned with the roles of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the economy and society.

The journal is multidisciplinary and international, encompassing conceptual, theoretical and empirical studies, quantitative as well as qualitative. Its scope includes ICT markets; policy, regulation, and governance; management, entrepreneurship, innovation, and use. Contributions may explore these topics at national, regional and international levels, including issues confronting both developed and developing countries.

An international editorial board of leading scholars and practitioners in the field assures highest quality of the papers published in the journal.

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