ITS Privacy Policy

ITS maintains an up-to-date membership list (stored offline and backed up weekly) in order to determine who is entitled to receive copies of the ITS journal (a membership benefit); who is eligible for registration fee discounts at Regional ITS Conferences (a membership benefit); who is eligible to receive ITS announcements via the ITS mailing list (a benefit offered to members and non-members but, in the case of the latter, only if they submit a written request to the ITS Secretariat for access); and who is eligible for other benefits that ITS offers to its members from time to time.

The membership information retained for these purposes consists of the following: (1) Name; (2) Title/Position; (3) Employer and/or Institutional or organizational affiliation; (4) Complete postal address including postal code; (5) E-mail address(es); (6) Phone and/or fax number if provided by the member; (7) Term of membership; and (8) Date member was added to ITS mailing list.

This information is maintained in strict privacy by the ITS Secretariat. The only information that is shared with anyone (e.g., Elsevier — the publisher of the ITS membership journal, and organizers of Regional ITS Conferences) is the information required by those entities to deliver membership benefits to members as directed by ITS Secretariat.

The only information retained for purposes of sending out ITS announcements over the ITS mailing list is the name and e-mail address of each recipient. The list is maintained by the ITS Secretariat but is stored with MailChimp, which maintains the functionality of the ITS mailing list for a monthly fee.

ITS does not have access to credit card information when membership fee payments are made online. And, in any event, ITS does not retain any credit card information for any ITS member.